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Sharpsburg Community Research & Data Dashboard

One major goal of the Sharpsburg Ecodistrict is to make data, academic research, history, stories, and community planning information more accessible to people in Sharpsburg.


By understanding the root causes and impacts of some of our local challenges, we can make community decisions together based on data we agree on and research we can learn about together as we build consensus on next steps for actions.

Sharpsburg Real-Time Air Quality Monitor (PurpleAir)

The Sharpsburg Real-Time Air Quality monitor was installed in 2019 as part of the Triboro Ecodistrict's Air Quality work. Stationed at Sharpsburg Ecodistrict Collaborative partner organization the Sharpsburg Community Library (1212 Main St.), the AQ station was designed with the help of teen participants in a summer air quality learning and doing program. Today, the AQ monitor provides live data on the quality of the air in Sharpsburg. The lit frame of the installation changes colors based on the quality of the air being measured in real time. Because Sharpsburg is in the 97th percentile nationwide for proximity to traffic, and because of the community's downwind proximity to industrial polluters, air quality is a major concern here. This air quality monitoring project was part of a larger Triboro Ecodistrict/evolveEA coallaborative effort called Breathe Easy, which received the 2021 PA Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence.

Sharpsburg Biodiversity Tracker (iNaturalist)

Join us on the iNaturalist app while we track the wild and wonderful animal, plant, fungi, and other species of Sharpsburg. Snap a picture, upload it to the "Triboro Ecodistrict (Sharpsburg, Etna, & Millvale, PA)" group project, and help us understand and repair our river bank ecosystem.


Sharpsburg Nonprofit & Public Renewable Energy Generation Tracker

View Sharpsburg Real-Time Solar Dashboards:

Since 2018, these two solar installations have generated more than 49 MWh of renewable energy and saved us over 75,500 lbs. of CO2 emissions. That's more than 34 METRIC TONS of carbon pollution kept out of our region's air—the equivalent of planting an extra 570 trees.

We've also worked to support solar installations at Second Harvest Community Thrift Store, the Sharpsburg Market Garden, and through facilitating joint solar purchasing opportunities for residents and business owners in partnership with the PA Solar Center through their GET Solar program.


Sharpsburg Community Plans & Research

© 2025
Sharpsburg Neighborhood Organization

511 S. Main St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15215

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